Where is the wise?
An erstwhile bitter enemy of the cross of Christ, Paul the apostle makes a bewildering statement regarding the ‘great divide’ the cross of Christ made among human beings-the one perishing to whom the preaching of the cross is foolishness and to the saved the power of God. God the Almighty pronounces a stern warning to the entire horde of the intellectuals, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise’ (1 Cor.1:19; Isa.29:14) We really praise God for giving great scientists, like Galileo, Einstein, John Isaac Newton, Thomas Alva Edison, Samuel Hahnemann, etc., who sacrificed their lives in making human life a comfortable one with their inventions and discoveries. A true scientist is the one who not only marvels at the manner the creation came into existence but also will be immensely curious to know its Creator.
A few scientists who believed in the existence of God (from Evidence of God site) A Polish astronomer Copernicus propounded the solar centric theory. Copernicus referred sometimes to God in his works and did not see his system as in conflict with the Bible.
1.Nicholas.Copernicus(1473- 1543) A Polish astronomer Copernicus propounded the solar centric theory. Copernicus referred sometimes to God in his works and did not see his system as in conflict with the Bible.
2.Johannes.Kepler(1571-1630). A brilliant mathematician and astronomer he worked on light and established the laws of planetary motion about the sun. Well before Newton was born he proposed the concept of universal gravity. He was a very sincere and pious Lutheran believer.
His solar-centered theory has invited the wrath of the then Roman Catholic church. He staunchly believed the Biblical view of the creation and said that the Bible cannot err.
Called the father of modern philosophy he made valuable contributions to mathematics and philosophy. He was devout Roman Catholic with strong passion to discover truth. His famous “I think therefore I am” is the proof that God exists. Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon had systems in which God was important and both seem very devout in their period.
A French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and theologian Pascal established the foundation for probability theory, invented a mechanical calculator and established the principles of vacuum and the pressure of air. In his most popular religious writing ‘Pascal’s Wager’ he writes about the search of God in the section Pensees (Thoughts) which he means ‘the quest for meaning in life, not least of all because God provides the hope that we can be redeemed from misery and death’ Pascal’s last words were, “May God never abandon me.”
An undisputed genius and innovation with his contributions to mathematics, mechanics and optics Newton ‘was devoutly religious’ and saw numbers as involved in understanding God’s plan for history from the Bible’ and did a considerable work on biblical numerology. He emphasized the essentiality of God to the nature and absoluteness of space. In Principia he stated, “The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”
He is popular for “Boyle’s Law” for gases. It is said he took special interest in the propagation of Christian faith abroad by providing finances for the translation of the New Testament in Irish and Turkish. In his writing The Christian Virtuoso, he emphasized that the study of nature was a central religious duty.” He wrote against atheism and was devout Christian of his day.
the greatest scientists of the 19th century worked on electricity and magnetism which not only revolutionized physics but led to the invention of computers and telephone lines and web sites. He was a devout Christian member of the Sandemanians, who rejected the idea of state churches and tried to implement the New Testament pattern principles.
Best known for the equation E=mc2 , Einstein is a highly revered scientist of the twentieth century. ‘He recognized the impossibility of a non-created universe’. Denying atheism, he expressed a belief in “Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the harmony of what exists.” He once remarked to a young physicist: “I want to know how God created this world…I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.” Einstein’s famous epithet on the “uncertainty principle” was “God does not play dice” – and to him this was a real statement about a God in whom he believed. A famous saying of his was “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
The deception of the devil:
The devil is misleading the wise who deceive themselves by making them to think that they are wise enough and there is no need to know things which are incomprehensible to their minds, by that concluding the non-existence of a Supernatural Being. Instead of thanking and praising God for the wisdom He has liberally granted to them in their pursuit of scientific development, some have totally ignored and ridiculed the very existence of God because their minds eyes are blinded by the ‘god of this age'(2Cor.4:4). The three wise men from the East reached up to Jerusalem sincerely following the star, which showed them way for about two years of journey. As long as they were dependent upon the star they had no problem. The star came and stood on the house where young child Jesus was. After reaching Jerusalem the wise men seem to have used their own wisdom instead of simply following the star. They might have reasoned among themselves that a king has to be born in the royal palace. At this juncture, the star was not in their sight. Yes, when we ignore divine wisdom and guidance, God will leave us to confusion. After speaking with Herod when they came out the star appeared to them again, to show how foolish they were in seeking the child in the palace. Their unwise behavior wrought havoc and resulted in the death of young boys under the age of two years. It is wise that the wise of this world as well as the believers depend totally on the wisdom of God than trying to reason out with own worldly wisdom.
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking, who spent his lifetime to search the secrets of the universe and explore the marvelous stellar bodies could not accept the eternal power and (Godhead) Deity of God (Rom.1:19-20), who created all that he was dealing with. Like so many atheist scientists, Hawking’s eyes could not comprehend the glory of God while he was gazing at the heavens and the firmament (Ps.19:1). He neither could hear the silent speech and language nor line and the words of day and night (v.2). Though Hawking made invaluable contributions to the field of science his comprehension of God was dismal and his destination could most probably be awfully abysmal, as till his end he did not seem to have realized his folly and hence need to recognize the Creator of the universe and lay his head into the hands of Jesus while in his wheel chair, like what the second dying thief did on the cross. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise that they are vain(1Cor.3:19,20).
The Sovereign Choice of God:
Whereas, the world knew not God by wisdom, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe(1Cor.1:21). He has chosen the foolish, weak, base things, things which are despised and things which are not, in order to confound the wise, the mighty, and to bring to naught the things that are(vv.26-28). In His fury God is bent upon to destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent(1Cor.1:19). At the cross the worldly wisdom was blasted off and the citadel of the devil and his hosts was pounded to the ground(Col.2:15). The understanding of the world was put to nothing by the preaching of cross. In the resurrection the last weapon of Satan was completely destroyed when the risen Jesus Christ made a triumphant cry, ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?'(1Cor.15:55). God’s grace is manifested in choosing the unwise men and women like us and Christ is made our wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption (1Cor.1:30)
The wise thing to do:
Solomon, the wise who got more wisdom than all that have been before him in Jerusalem, had great experience of wisdom and knowledge, gave his heart to know wisdom, lamented at the end that it is vexation of spirit and in much wisdom is much grief(Eccl.1:16,17). True wisdom according to the Bible is, knowing the Creator and His purpose for every human being and appreciating His work of salvation on the cross of Calvary where He offered His own begotten Son, Lord Jesus Christ as propitiation for our sins. In Christ all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden (Col.2:3). To become truly wise, one must become a fool and trust the gospel while wisdom is crying outside in the streets (Prov.1:20- 22). Christ gave us the knowledge about God(Jn.1:18,1Jn.5:20). Let us proclaim this wisdom.
By Phelix Edward